/əˈbrʌpt/ adj [more ~; most ~]
1 : very sudden and not expected
There was an abrupt change in the weather.
The road came to an abrupt end.
The storm caused an abrupt power failure.
2 a : talking to other people in a very brief and unfriendly way
He is friendly with customers but abrupt (in his dealings) with his employees.
She has an abrupt manner.
2 b : rudely brief
an abrupt [=curt, brusque] reply
abrupt·ly adv
The party ended abruptly when the police arrived.
She turned abruptly and walked away.
The land dropped off abruptly.
abrupt·ness noun [ singular ]
There is an abruptness in her manner.
[ noncount ]
I was surprised by the abruptness of her manner.