The realistic School, Sarvstivda, a branch of the Vaibhika, claiming Rhula as founder, asserting the reality of all phenomena: 说一切有部; 萨婆多部; 萨婆阿私底婆拖部; 一切语言部. It divided, and the following seven schools are recorded, but the list is doubtful: -- Mlasarvstivda 一切有根本部. Kyapya 迦叶毗维, also known as Suvarak 苏跋梨柯部; 游梨沙部; 苏梨沙部; and 善岁部. Dharmagupt 法密部; 法藏部; 法护部. Mahsak or Mahsik 摩醯奢婆迦部; 弥喜舍婆阿部; 弥沙塞部; 化地部; 正地部. Tmray. Vibhajyavdina 分别说部. Bahuruty 婆收娄多柯 or 多闻部.