/æmˈfɪbɪəs; æm`fɪbɪəs/ adj 1 living or operating both on land and in water 两栖的; 水陆两用的: amphibious vehicles 水陆两用车辆. 2 [usu attrib 通常作定语] involving both sea and land forces 两栖作战的: amphibious operations 两栖作战.
/æmˈfɪbɪəs; æm`fɪbɪəs/ adj 1 living or operating both on land and in water 两栖的; 水陆两用的: amphibious vehicles 水陆两用车辆. 2 [usu attrib 通常作定语] involving both sea and land forces 两栖作战的: amphibious operations 两栖作战.
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