下笔立就[xià bǐ lì jiù]1.■write with ease and forthwith completed; write off (without hesitation)
- 一派胡言
- 一石二鸟
- 一组排房 a terrace
- 一脚踢翻
- 一脸死相
- 一语成谶
- 一误而误
- 一阶语言 {逻} first order language
- 一鼓作气, 再而衰, 三而竭
- 七日风
- 万方多难
- 万有引力 universal gravitation
- 万能钳子 combination cutting and twisting pliers
- 三刺激
- 三向测应变片组 rosette
- 三开芯盒
- 三方氯铜矿 paratacamite
- 三氯甲硅烷 silicochloroform
- 三端快速半导体开关 {电} trisistor
- 三级定址 three-level addressing; third-level address
- 三级记录系统 three-level recording system; three-level return system