一鼓作气, 再而衰, 三而竭
一鼓作气, 再而衰, 三而竭[yī gǔ zuò qì zài ér shuāi sān ér jié]1.■the fighting spirit aroused by the first roll of drums is depleted by the second and exhausted by the third.
- 一如遵命
- 一拍即合
- 一整块干酪
- 一次反应 primary reaction
- 万物簇生
- 丈量工作 surveying
- 三六九等
- 三向筋 space reinforcement
- 三昧
- 三相全控桥式整流器 three-phase controlled bridge rectifier
- 三相时钟脉冲 three-phase clock pulse
- 三相电流 three-phase current
- 三级泄压循环 three-step decompression cycle
- 三级缢痕 tertiary constriction
- 三维像 {摄} three-dimensional image
- 上声
- 上睑提肌 palpebralis
- 上肢骨 upper limb
- 上锁保管
- 上限公差 high limit of tolerance
- 下