一气呵成[yī qì hē chéng]1.■(比喻文章的气势首尾贯通) make smooth reading; read [practise] from beginning to end without stopping; write at one stretch(比喻工作过程不间断,不松懈) accomplish sth. at a stretch; accomplish a composition in one breath; at one fling; get sth. done at one go [without a let-up]; say quickly, without having to stop to think
- 一卵孪生
- 一杯黄土
- 一粥一饭, 当思来之不易
- 一语双关
- 一阶微分环节 first derivative element
- 丁字镐 pickax; T-shaped pick
- 万向节花键轴 universal-joint splined shaft
- 万年青亭 rhodeoretin
- 万能工具机 all-purpose machine
- 万能铲床 universal slotting machine
- 三包一奖
- 三水合物
- 三级矿量 explored ore reserve
- 三联泵 treble pump; triple pump
- 三芯同轴电缆 triple-concentric cable
- 三角形切口横条 arris rail
- 三角杠杆 culdy
- 三角网衣 jibs; bats; dogears
- 三通阀活塞 triple-valve piston
- 上升气流 anaflow; up-ward current; upflow; ascending air; up currnet
- 上板铺