一粥一饭, 当思来之不易
一粥一饭, 当思来之不易[yī zhōu yí fàn dāng sī lái zhī bú yì]1.■In taking a mouthful of congee or rice you should bear in mind that its production is not easy.
- 一味撒谎
- 一日为师, 终身为父
- 一杯
- 一花独放
- 一行
- 一跤摔倒
- 一身臃肿
- 丁村人
- 万丈
- 三元化合物
- 三元系压电陶瓷 ternary system piezoelectric ceramics
- 三层抹灰 render float and set
- 三方双锥 trigonal bipyramid
- 三氯(苯)酚盐 triclofenate
- 三点法 {地质} line-of-sight course; three-point method
- 三点着陆 {航空} three-point landing
- 三皇五帝
- 三端 P-N-P-N 型晶体管开关 three-terminal P-N-P-N transistor switch
- 三级反应 {物化} third-order reaction
- 三脚插头
- 三脚骨