一无是处[yī wú shì chù]1.■Nothing is right.; absolutely without merit; be good for nothing; completely wrong [bad]; devoid of any merit; have no special skill; have nothing worthy of praise; not a single merit; never get anything right; not having a single good point; Nothing is in good order and everything is wrong.; without a single redeeming feature
- “是非” 决策 yes-no decision
- 《美国机械师》 American Machinist
- (一机)多种作业
- 一窝蜂
- 一级星系 first-rank galaxy
- 一言难尽
- 一针不补, 千针叫苦
- 丁兹盛世
- 七巧壶
- 万古
- 万应锭
- 万能分度头 universal dividing head
- 丈八灯台, 照远不照近
- 三刺激
- 三向压力 triaxial pressure
- 三尖瓣后尖 cuspis dorsalis; cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis
- 三相激励 three-phase excitation
- 三相电流 three-phase current
- 三相系 {物} three-phase system
- 三线(式)发电机 three-wire generator; Dobrowolsky generator
- 三色测光 three-colour photometry