一言难尽[yī yán nán jìn]1.■It would take too long to tell that in full.; difficult to embody in a single sentence; difficult to put in a nutshell; hard to explain all in just a few words; impossible to be expressed in a few words; It's a long story (to tell).; It's hard to explain in a few words.; not to be expressed in a few words; That is a long, long story.; That would entail a long explanation.
- 一六○五
- 一兵多用
- 一把好手
- 一次谐波 first harmonic
- 一的补码电路 one's complement circuit
- 丁醚
- 万事休矣
- 万向节机构 universal-joint mechanism
- 万米波 {电磁} myriametric waves
- 万能规 universal gauge
- 三世有缘
- 三叶豆
- 三年五载
- 三教九流
- 三月
- 三枪彩色显像管 tri-gun colour tube; three-gun tricolour tube; colourtron
- 三点荧光组 triad
- 三硫
- 三维全息照相存储器 3-D holographic memory
- 三维分类法 three-dimensional classification
- 三维动态频谱分析仪 three-dimensional dynamic spectrum analyzer