一无长物一无长物[yī wú cháng wù]1.■There is nothing precious.; have just the necessities of living; have only bare necessities at home; having nothing left behind one; poorly off
- “矩阵式”结构 matrix structure;
- 一叶两豆
- 一心
- 一页信笺 letterform
- 一饭千金
- 万向节传动 cardan drive;
- 万向节管 universal pipe joint;
- 万户更新
- 三国
- 三度空间 {哲} three-dimensional space;
- 三极真空管 pliotron
- 三棱石 {地质} dreikanter;
- 三相区 three-phase region;
- 三相半波整流电路 three-phase half wave rectifier circuit;
- 三级胺 tertiary amine;
- 三者之一
- 三联点 triple junction;
- 三角布绷带 cravat;
- 三角座
- 三角撑 trivet;
- 三角茶几 teapoy; tepoy;