一饭千金一饭千金[yī fàn qiān jīn]1.■be grateful to sb. and bestow upon the former benefactor a thousand taels of silver; pay back a debt of gratitude with rich reward; requite an obligation generously; reward a benefactor handsomely for the favour or help one has received from him; repay sb. for kindness with rich reward
- 一家之言
- 一早
- 一误再误
- 一身是胆
- 一阶滞后 first-order lag
- 万能机床 universal machine;
- 万金油
- 三元及第
- 三元酚 trihydric phenol;
- 三岔路口
- 三枪
- 三棱镜摄谱仪 three-prism spectrograph
- 三端 P-N-P-N 型晶体管开关 three-terminal P-N-P-N transistor switch
- 三糖酶 trisaccharidase
- 三维地震法勘探 three-dimensional seismic method;
- 三者结合
- 三角形脉冲发生器 triangle generator;
- 三轴向压力试验 triaxial compression test;
- 三轴骨针 {无脊椎} triaxon;
- 三进制增量表示法 {自} ternary incremental representation
- 三通道放大器 three-path amplifier; three-channel amplifier