一方受灾, 八方支援
一方受灾, 八方支援一方受灾, 八方支援[yī fāng shòu zāi bā fāng zhī yuán]1.■When on place is hit by a disaster, help streams in from all over the country.
- “挑战者”坦克
- 一亲芳泽
- 一回生, 二回熟
- 一技之长
- 一支细毛纤维
- 一新耳目
- 一时性黑晕
- 一病不起
- 一般量 general quantity;
- 一言兴邦
- 一走了之
- 一鼻孔出气
- 万位存储器 myriabit storage; myriabit memory
- 万能式轨梁轧机 universal structural mill;
- 万能铣镗机床 universal milling and boring machines;
- 三坐标磁带控制 three-dimensional tape controlled;
- 三枪彩色显像管 tri-gun colour tube; three-gun tricolour tube; colourtron;
- 三榜定案
- 三次绕组 tertiary winding;
- 三相变压器 three-phase transformer; three-phase potential transformer;
- 三相电炉 three-phase furnace;