一技之长一技之长[yī jì zhī cháng]1.■proficiency in a particular line; a single skill; be skilled in some kind of work; have the expertise in one speciality; professional skill; speciality; skillful in one field; what one is skilled in [at]
- “空白” 仲裁条款 “blank” arbitration clause
- 一本
- 一次污染 primary pollution;
- 一沐三握发
- 一笑千金
- 一级反应 first order reaction;
- 一起处理 coprocessing
- 一镑
- 七上八下
- 七平八稳
- 万不失一
- 万国博览会
- 万户侯
- 三分贝耦合器 {电磁} Riblet coupler; short-slot coupler; three-decibel coupler;
- 三包一奖
- 三岔路口
- 三日两头
- 三番两次
- 三级控制 three-step control;
- 三维显示阴极射线管 peritron;
- 三维电导率 three-dimensional conductivity;