三番两次三番两[五]次[sān fān liǎng cì]1.■over and over (again); a dozen of times; again and again; repeatedly; time and again; times without [out of] number
- 一般线性群 general linear groups;
- 一阶保持器 first-order holder;
- 七叶树糖 esculoside;
- 万勿推辞
- 三元合金
- 三北
- 三坐标雷达功率程序 3-D radar power program;
- 三相电动机 three-phase motor;
- 三硫化磷 {无化} phosphorous sulfide; phosphorous trisulfide;
- 三级变速箱 three-ratio gear; triple-change gear;
- 三维组装 three-dimensional package
- 三色版
- 三芯导线 three-core conductor;
- 三行
- 三角嵴 triangular ridge;
- 三角形边接电路 delta connected circuit;
- 三角星形接线法 mesh-star connection;
- 三角翼火箭 delta-winged rocket
- 三通分线管 Y-junction;
- 上和下睦
- 上西天