一成不变一成不变[yī chéng bú biàn]1.■immutable and frozen; be immutable; be set in one's ways; changeless; cut and dried; fixed and unchangeable; go into a rut; hard and fast (formula etc,); inflexible; invariable; monotonous; unchangeable; unalterable:一成不变的东西是没有的。Nothing is changeless.世界没有一成不变的东西。Nothing in the world is immutable.
- 一块糖果 a candy
- 一心向往
- 一昼夜
- 一来一往
- 一片喧腾
- 一系列柱子 pillaring
- 一致有界原理 principle of uniform boundness;
- 万向节十字叉衬环 universal-joint spider bushing ring;
- 万向节针式轴承 universal-joint needle bearing;
- 万应灵丹
- 万用表
- 万能机床 universal machine;
- 三体问题 problem of three bodies; three-body problem;
- 三元配置 three-way layout;
- 三早抵一工
- 三级子例行程序 {自} three-level subroutine;
- 三色乳胶 trichrom-emulsion;
- 三角洲边缘平原 delta-marginal plain;
- 三轨受电
- 三轴海棉纲 triaxonida;
- 上