上上[shang] 动1.■ (用在动词后, 表示由低处向高处):登上山顶reach the summit;爬上河堤climb up to the top of the dyke;踏上非洲的土地set foot on African soil;对敌人的新仇旧恨, 一齐涌上心头。Hatred of the enemy, for old and new wrongs, welled up in his heart.2.■ (用在动词后, 表示动作的结果):穿上外衣put on a coat;考上大学be admitted to a college;没吃上饭be too late for the meal;茶已经沏上了。The tea has been made.你跟他接上头了吗?Have you got in touch with him?他传染上感冒了。He's caught cold.我买上火车票了。I've got the train ticket.3.■ (用在动词后, 表示开始并继续):她爱上了草原。She's fallen in love with the grasslands.他拿起一把铲就干上了。He seized a shovel and set to. 名1.■ (用在名词后, 表示事物的表面):脸上in the face;墙上on the wall;把书放在桌上。Put the book on the table.2.■ (用在名词后, 表示在某种事物的范围以内或方面):会上at the meeting;报上说的what is reported in the newspaper;世界上in the world;事实上in fact; in reality; actually;理论上in theory; theoretically;由组织上决定be decided by the Party organization;口头上赞成, 实际上反对agree in words but oppose in deeds;这个小镇上有两所中学。There are two middle schools in this little town.这个错误由我们领导上负责。We of the leadership must accept responsibility for this mistake.另见 shǎng; shàng。
- 一些
- 一剁两段
- 一字千金
- 一对一翻译程序 one-to-one translaton;
- 一组标本 series;
- 一群走兽 a troop
- 一致有界原理 principle of uniform boundness;
- 一隅
- 万众睢睢
- 三价体 trivalent;
- 三列轴承 three-row bearing
- 三十年河东, 三十年河西
- 三次倍频器 triductor;
- 三硫化磷 {无化} phosphorous sulfide; phosphorous trisulfide;
- 三级跳远 {体} hop, step and jump; triple jump;
- 三维天线阵 three-dimensional array;
- 三联体
- 三臂联胎 tribrachius
- 三色刺激值 {光} tristimulus values;
- 三角债
- 三角形反常 triangle anomaly;