一心为公一心为公[yī xīn wèi gōng]1.■devote oneself to the public interests; be heart and soul devoted to public interests; be wholehearted for the public interests; set one's heart on the common good; wholehearted devotion to the public interests
- 一步法电影 instant movie system;
- 一见丧胆
- 一言九鼎
- 丁字形骨折 T-shaped fracture;
- 万能钥匙 master key;
- 三倍信频器 trebler;
- 三度四线制 3 dimension-4 wire (3D-4W);
- 三方氯铜矿 paratacamite;
- 三次收敛 cubic convergence;
- 三维地震法勘探 three-dimensional seismic method;
- 三联浅槽饰 {建} triglyph;
- 三色版
- 三角套筒 cam sleeve;
- 三角形褶裥 vee;
- 三角韧带 {解} deltoid ligament; ligamentum deltoideum; ligamentum triangular;
- 三足闩涮 tripodand
- 三进制数 trit; ternary number;
- 上下文相关 context dependent;
- 上下颠倒
- 上廉泉
- 上料车