一言九鼎一言九鼎[yī yán jiǔ dǐng]1.■One word is as heavy as nine tripods.; A word from one weighs nine tripods.; Every word carries weight.; One's word carries the weight of nine tripods -- weighty advice.; What is said carries weight.
- 一个自由度
- 一传手
- 一岁羊
- 一次使用信用状 straight letter of credit;
- 一次压制 single-pressing;
- 一次碳化物 primary carbide;
- 一统天下
- 一绺青丝
- 一阶线性微分方程 linear first-order differential equation;
- 丁零
- 万能粗轧机 universal roughing mill;
- 三光政策
- 三氯氧化磷 phosphorous oxychloride;
- 三相电炉 three-phase furnace;
- 三维全息术 three-dimensional holography;
- 三联苯曲霉素 Terphenyllin;
- 三腿形
- 三腿形饰 triskelia
- 三臂畸胎 tribrachius;
- 三角形线迹 arrow head;
- 三角洲滨线 deltarium;