一如既往一如既往[yī rú jì wǎng]1.■as in the past; as always; as before; as ever; be just as before; carry on as usual; continue as before; just as hitherto; like in the past:我们将一如既往坚决支持你们的正义斗争。We will, as always, firmly support your just struggle.
- 一剁两段
- 一无仅存
- 一昼夜
- 一次污染物 primary pollutant;
- 一次通过 single pass; one shot;
- 一鼓作气
- 万向联接杆 universal link;
- 万应锭
- 万能滚焊机 universal seam welder;
- 三倍
- 三十二分音符
- 三句话不离本行
- 三叶草碾种机 {农} clover huller;
- 三探针法 {半} three-probe method
- 三极开关 triple-pole switch;
- 三硫化二锑 {无化} antimonous sulfide; antimony trisulfide;
- 三能级激光棒 three-level laser rod;
- 三角形缺口 vee;
- 三角-星形接法 delta-star connection;
- 三角架
- 三重平面型晶体管 triple planar transistor;