三句话不离本行三句话不离本行[sān jù huà bù lí běn háng]1.■never to say three sentences without talking about one's own work; can hardly open one's mouth without talking shop; never to begin a talk without referring to one's own line; talk always about one's own line; talk shop all the time
- 一套筛子 screen set; set of sieves;
- 一熟制
- 一片愁容
- 一班人
- 一阶近似 first approximation;
- 丁字铁 T-iron
- 丁香酚 eugenol;
- 万万
- 丈夫有泪不轻弹, 只因未到伤心时
- 三九一一
- 三列刺骨螺 venus's comb;
- 三列轴承 three-row bearing
- 三层流网 drift trammel net;
- 三度灼伤 third-degree burn
- 三棵针
- 三点钟 three;
- 三线塞孔 triple circuit jack;
- 三脚规
- 三苯基膦 {有化} triphenylphosphine;
- 三角形脉冲函数 {讯} delta impulse function;
- 三角试片 test wedge;