一好遮百丑一好遮百丑[yī hǎo zhē bǎi chǒu]1.■For one good deed a hundred ill deeds should be overlooked.
- “头-尾”不稳定性
- 一体化经济学 economics of integration;
- 一侧优势
- 一刻千金
- 一年生游隼 sorefalcon;
- 一时冲动
- 一阶差分 first-order difference;
- 丁冬
- 丁省甲酰胺 naphthacene carboxamide
- 三元相 {冶} ternary phase
- 三元图解 {岩} ternary diagram;
- 三加一地址指令 three-plus-one address instruction; three-plus-one instruction
- 三方闪锌矿 matraite;
- 三硫化四磷 {无化} phosphorous sesquisulfide; tetraphosphorus trisulfide;
- 三行区十进制数 zoned decimal
- 三轴向压力试验 triaxial compression test;
- 三轴控制系统 three-axis control system;
- 上巨虚
- 上当
- 上游水位 upper pond level; upstream water level; headwater level
- 上纤维化 co-fibration