上当上当[shàng dàng]1.■be taken in; be fooled; be duped; be tricked; bite at a bait; play into someone's hands:不要上坏人的当。Don't let yourself be fooled by evil people.上当只有一回。A fox is not taken twice in the same snare.你们可上当了。You have fallen into the trap.他用假计划使她上当。He used the fake plans to trick her.
- 丁字管节 pipe tee; T-pipe;
- 万能塞规 combination standard gauge;
- 万能手术台 universal operation table;
- 万能钥匙 master key;
- 万能钳子 combination cutting and twisting pliers;
- 丈尺有数
- 三列睫 tristichiasis;
- 三天
- 三定
- 三尖瓣后尖 cuspis dorsalis; cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis;
- 三月
- 三相自耦变压器 3-phase autotransformer
- 三维制导 three-dimensional guidance;
- 三联症 triad; trilogy
- 三色视觉 trichromatic vision;
- 三角肌炎 deltoiditis
- 三进制存储单元 ternary cell;
- 三进制数 trit; ternary number;
- 三进制增量表示法 {自} ternary incremental representation
- 三重态
- 三重碰撞 {物} triple collision;