一失足成千古恨一失足成千古恨[yī shī zú chéng qiān gǔ hèn]1.■A single slip can cause a lasting sorrow.; A false step may cause a lifelong regret.; A mere slip of the foot can mean death.; A moment's error will bring about [cause] sorrow for a thousand years.; A moment's mistake will bring about sorrow for ages.; A slip of the foot would finish all!; A trip at one point may make one woeful for life.; A wrong step results in eternal regret.; One false step brings everlasting grief.; The error of a moment becomes the regret of a lifetime.:一失足成千古恨, 再回头已过百年身。One single slip brings eternal regret, and looking back, your whole life has passed away.
- 一手好字
- 一生潦倒
- 一致界 uniform bound;
- 一锅粥
- 一阶差分 first-order difference;
- 万事如转烛
- 万能三角板 universal set-square;
- 万能弯管机 universal bender;
- 万金家书
- 三叠
- 三度红斑 third-degree erythema;
- 三端测量 three-terminal measurement;
- 三维动态频谱分析仪 three-dimensional dynamic spectrum analyzer;
- 三色觉 trichromatism;
- 三角仪 triangulator;
- 三角孔梁 zigzag girder;
- 三角符号 triangle;
- 三重染色法 triple staining;
- 上不封顶, 下不保底
- 上升海岸 elevated coast;
- 上口