上口上口[shàng kǒu]1.■ (能顺口而出) be able to read aloud fluently:他把那首诗念得琅琅上口。He can recite the poem fluently.
常用词组1.■ (读起来顺口) be suitable for reading aloud; make smooth reading:这段文字太艰深, 不易上口。The passage is too difficult and doesn't lend itself to reading aloud.2.■ {林} back cut; felling cut; falling cut
- 一块牛肉 a piece of beef; a sey;
- 一大半
- 一时苟安
- 一水接天, 风帆隐隐
- 一清早
- 一点一滴
- 一粒棋子
- 一般购买力 general purchasing power;
- 一般项 general term; average term;
- 一阶超前 first-order lead;
- 丁字形钢轨 Vignole's rail;
- 丁字管 tee pipe;
- 万众
- 万能尺 isograph;
- 万里江山
- 三叉苦
- 三枪彩色电视显像管 three-gun chromatron;
- 三相七线制 three-phase seven-wire system;
- 三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system;
- 三色测光 three-colour photometry;
- 三角