一在明处, 一在暗处
一在明处, 一在暗处一在明处, 一在暗处[yī zài míng chù yī zài àn chù]1.■One is acting under cover, while the other is in the open.
- “农转非”
- 一株
- 一样
- 一次光源 primary source;
- 一的补码
- 丁苯
- 万寿菊酮 tagetone
- 万能式装载机 all-purpose loader;
- 万能试验指示器 universal test indicator;
- 三个煤量
- 三分贝
- 三叶参
- 三向系板 three-way strap;
- 三宅岩
- 三尖杉
- 三层抹灰 render float and set;
- 三岁鲇鹿 sorel;
- 三点开关 three-point switch; three-way switch;
- 三班制 three-shift system
- 三维模拟计算机 three-dimensional analog computer;
- 三能级激光棒 three-level laser rod;