一样一样[yī yàng]1.■the same; equally; alike; as... as:完全一样just the same; exactly alike;团结得像一个人一样unite as one man;这两姐妹长得一模一样。The two sisters look exactly alike.他的风衣和你的一样。His wind-breaker is the same as yours.
- 一批
- 一步法电影 instant movie system;
- 一笑了之
- 一线
- 丁字形
- 万向节支座 universal bearing;
- 三九天
- 三方柱 trigonal prism;
- 三管式摄像机 three-tube camera
- 三维平差 three-dimensional adjustment;
- 三色叠加镜 photochromoscope;
- 三裂
- 三角规 triangular compass;
- 三趾针鼹 nodiak
- 三趾鹬 sanderling;
- 三路接线盒 {电} trifurcating box;
- 三轴
- 三速电动机 three-speed motor
- 三重脉冲编码 triplepulse coding;
- 上
- 上侧瓣 novavalvae;