一叶知秋一叶知秋[yī yè zhī qiū]1.■One falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn.; A small sign can indicate a great trend.; A straw shows which way the wind blows.; It is a straw in the wind.; The falling of one leaf heralds [indicates] the autumn.; The fall of one leaf is enough to tell of autumn's arrival.
- 一地区
- 一定
- 一小群
- 一掰两开
- 一条龙
- 一笑置之
- 万古长存
- 万能刮刀 universal scraper;
- 万能塞规 combination standard gauge;
- 万顷碧波
- 三叉体
- 三段区域精炼炉 three-stage refiner;
- 三端开关器件 trigistor; dynaquad;
- 三联投弹架 {军} triple ejection rack;
- 三裂星云 Trifid Nebula;
- 三角剖分问题 {数} triangulation problem;
- 三角形接法 {电工} delta connection; mesh connection;
- 三角形木料堆 peaker;
- 三角波
- 三角翼
- 三角裤 panties; briefs;