一笑置之一笑置之[yī xiào zhì zhī]1.■laugh out of court; carry off with a laugh; chuckle over [at] sth.; dismiss with a laugh [smile]; dispose of with a smile; laugh away; laugh off as a joke; pass the thing off with a laugh; smile at; smile away; with a sneer
- 一干二净
- 一朵
- 一组卡片 card deck;
- 七级风
- 万事亨通
- 万众睢睢
- 万能钻床 full universal drill
- 三月干风 [法] hale demars;
- 三枪三束彩色显像管 three-beam colour picture tube;
- 三段掏槽 three-section cut
- 三民主义
- 三端 P-N-P-N 型晶体管开关 three-terminal P-N-P-N transistor switch
- 三线交配 three-way cross;
- 三能级激光器 three-level laser;
- 三角座圈 cam ring; (活动)
- 三角测量等级 class of triangulation;
- 三角测量网 triangulation net;
- 三角点成果表 triglist
- 三角铰子 kreplach; kreplech; creplich;
- 三通
- 三面图