一时一时[yī shí]1.■ (短时间) for a short while; temporary; momentary:一时的热情a moment's enthusiasm; on the spur of the moment;一时想不起来can't recall offhand (for the moment);一时半会儿in short while
常用词组1.■ (一个时期) a period of time:此一时彼一时。Times have changed.这首歌曾风行一时。The song had a great vogue at one time.2.■ (时而) now... now...:天气一时冷,一时热。The weather is now cold, now hot.
- 一不可再
- 一窝
- 一致熔融 congruent melting;
- 一致逼近 uniform approximation;
- 丁醛
- 七情
- 万夫不当
- 万能铣镗机床 universal milling and boring machines;
- 三向压制 three-dimensional compaction;
- 三思为妥
- 三枪三束彩色显像管 three-beam colour picture tube;
- 三氯化钛 {无化} titanium trichloride; titanous chloride;
- 三点
- 三相系 {物} three-phase system;
- 三线螺纹 {设计} triple thread;
- 三维区 space;
- 三角子程序 trigonometric subroutine;
- 三角巾 sling;
- 三角形电流 delta current;
- 三角杠杆 culdy;
- 三轴参照系 triaxial reference system;