上座上座[shàng zuò]1.■ (最尊的坐位) seat of honour2.■ (戏院、饭馆等处有顾客到来) customers begin to come into theatre, restaurant, etc.:每场电影的上座率降低了4%。The occupancy for each show fell 4 percent.
常用词组1.■上座率 attendance; audience attendance; occupancy
上座上座[shàng zuò]1.■ (最尊的坐位) seat of honour2.■ (戏院、饭馆等处有顾客到来) customers begin to come into theatre, restaurant, etc.:每场电影的上座率降低了4%。The occupancy for each show fell 4 percent.
常用词组1.■上座率 attendance; audience attendance; occupancy
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