一大二公一大二公[yī dà èr gōng]1.■(of people's communes) large in size and collective in nature; larger in size and having a higher degree of public ownership (than the cooperatives)
- 一级组装 first level of packaging
- 一维相关 one-dimensional correlation;
- 一般见识
- 一身铜臭
- 丁字钢 T-bar; T-steel; tee steel; tee-profile;
- 万千
- 万圣节宣言
- 万方多难
- 三体问题 problem of three bodies; three-body problem;
- 三元化合物
- 三叉苦
- 三坐标雷达天线 antenna for 3-D radar;
- 三尖瓣病 tricuspid disease;
- 三更半夜
- 三棱柱 {数} triangular prism;
- 三棱镜摄谱仪 three-prism spectrograph
- 三次行程回波 triple transit echo; triple travel signal;
- 三氯化砷 arsenic trichloride;
- 三氯氧化磷 phosphorous oxychloride;
- 三组
- 三色反常症 anomalous trichromatism;