上山上山[shàng shān]1.■go up the mountain [hill]:上山采药go into the hills to gather herbs;上山打虎go up the mountain to catch tigers;上山落草get away to the mountains; take refuge in the mountain; take to the woods
常用词组1.■上山工作面 rise race;2.■上山运输机 up brow conveyer; uphill conveyer
- 一打一拉
- 一步登天
- 一贯道
- 丁字街 T-shaped road junction; T-crossing;
- 七窍生烟
- 万事亨通
- 万布罗风
- 万能胶 all-purpose adhesive;
- 万能装卸机 universal crane;
- 万能试验指示器 universal test indicator;
- 三体性
- 三叉苦
- 三层抹灰 render float and set;
- 三方柱 trigonal prism;
- 三方氯铜矿 paratacamite;
- 三线制 {电} three-wire system;
- 三联可变电容器 triple variable capacitor; triple variable condenser;
- 三角形体 trigone;
- 三角视差 trigonometric parallax;
- 三角锯锉 cant file; cantsaw file;
- 三车道道路