七窍生烟七窍生烟[qī qiào shēng yān]1.■fulminate with anger; blow a fuse; blow a gas jet; foam with rage; fume with anger; Smoke comes out of one's seven orifices.; The smoke of one's anger came out of one's nostrils.
- 一家打墙, 两家好看
- 一杯在手, 万事全丢
- 一次反复 one replication;
- 一次进入点 primary entry point;
- 一系列操作 steerage;
- 一维晶体 one-dimensional crystal;
- 一见如故
- 一身是病
- 一道
- 丁字铰链 {设计} garnet hinge; butt and strap hinge; T-hinge;
- 七十二候
- 万丈
- 万向节凸缘 universal-joint flange;
- 万向节压力润滑器 universal-joint pressure lubricator;
- 万能中耕机 universal cultivator;
- 万能磨床 universal grinding machine;
- 三原色性 trichroism;
- 三头肌反射 triceps reflexes
- 三岔路口
- 三瓦两舍
- 三相六线制 three-phase six-wire system;