万众万众[wàn zhòng]1.■millions of people; the multitude
- 一朝情义淡, 样样不顺眼
- 一来一往
- 一气呵成
- 一级方法 one-level method;
- 一组资料卡 a deck
- 一维点阵 {晶} one-dimensional lattice;
- 一般天气推断 general inference;
- 一言蔽之
- 丁香油 caryophyllus oil; clove oil; oil of cloves;
- 万元户
- 三体幺正性 {物} three-body unitarity;
- 三氯乙醛合水 chloral hydrate;
- 三硫化二砷 orpiment; auripigmentum; {无化} arsenic trisulfide;
- 三级飞羽 {脊椎} tertiaries; tertial;
- 三臂畸形 tribrachia;
- 三菱
- 三角三四面体 triakistetrahedron;
- 三角仪 triangulator;
- 三角港 estuary; firth; frith;
- 三轮齿轴 third pinion;
- 三轴自动驾驶仪 three-axis autopilot;