一人倒下, 万人起来
一人倒下, 万人起来一人倒下, 万人起来[yī rén dǎo xià wàn rén qǐ lái]1.■Thousands will take the place of one who has fallen.; When one falls, a thousand others will rise in his place.; When one falls, thousands more will rise.
- 一类物资 means of production in Category ; Supplies under Category Ⅰ; class Ⅰ materials
- 一般拓扑 general topology;
- 万物
- 万能式条播机 all-crop drill;
- 万马齐喑
- 三叠接斑 triple-lap lile;
- 三平面法
- 三征七辟
- 三星体 triaster;
- 三点西文活字 minnikin;
- 三焦
- 三联体
- 三角形天帆 sky-gazer;
- 三角形甲板长度 deck;
- 三角翼火箭 delta-winged rocket
- 三角齿锯 peg tooth saw;
- 三言两语
- 三边形突肚窗 {建} cant bay
- 三进制脉码调制 {讯} ternary pulse code modulation;
- 三重线态 triplet state;
- 上冲方面