一般拓扑 general topology;
- 一体化信息服务 universal information service;
- 一掠而过
- 一时糊涂
- 一级压缩 single-stage-compression;
- 一花独放不是春
- 一阶时滞 time lag of first order;
- 丁子香烷 clovane;
- 丁字形辐 T-headed spoke;
- 万向节
- 万寿菊
- 万年历
- 万能刨床 {工} universal planer;
- 万能锯台 universal saw table;
- 万象
- 三和两全
- 三天打鱼, 两天晒网
- 三心平圆拱 {建} three-centered arch;
- 三点联[连]接 three-point attachment; three-point bond;
- 三焦辨证 differentiation of tri-jiao;
- 三级涡轮机 triple turbine;
- 三色叠加镜 photochromoscope;