三茶六礼三茶六礼[sān chá liù lǐ]1.■marry someone with the proper ceremonies--three lots of tea and six presents
- 一对一翻译 binary translation;
- 一神教
- 一致最佳检验 uniformly most powerful test
- 一般
- 一言堂
- 七十二变
- 万升
- 万向架 {工} gimbal;
- 三叶虫幼虫期 protaspis
- 三合板
- 三基色原理 principle of three primary colours
- 三尖瓣狭窄 tricuspid stenosis;
- 三废
- 三极开关 triple-pole switch;
- 三棱镜
- 三级变速箱 three-ratio gear; triple-change gear;
- 三维
- 三老四严
- 三联单 triplicate form;
- 三联点 triple junction;
- 三联炼钢法 triplex process;