万勿推辞万勿推辞[wàn wù tuī cí]1.■please do not refuse
- 一维超导体 one-dimensional superconductor;
- 一马平川
- 万俟
- 万圣节宣言
- 万能供血者 universal donor;
- 万能木工车床 universal wood turning lathe;
- 三分
- 三联疫苗 triple vaccine;
- 三脚架拔桩机 tripod puller; 调节器 tripod regulator
- 三行区穿孔 over-punching; {自} zone punch;
- 三角形突起 dentation;
- 三角波调制调频-连续波雷达 triangular modulation FM-CW radar
- 三轴
- 三通天线转发开关 triplexer;
- 三重复视 triplopia;
- 上下配穴 {中医} coordination of the acupoints of the upper with those of the lower, superior-inferior point association;
- 上乘
- 上升时间 {控} rise time;
- 上呼吸道感染 infection of the upper respiratory tract
- 上天无路, 入地无门
- 上层建筑布置 arrangement of superstructure;