三房四妾三房四妾[sān fáng sì qiè]1.■have three chambers and four concubines; keep three or four concubines; keep three “side-chambers” and four concubines
- 《创世纪》 Genesis (《旧约全书》第一卷);
- 一次使用导弹 {军} expendable missile; one shot missile;
- 一龙一蛇
- 七窍生烟
- 万能锯台 universal saw table;
- 万马齐喑
- 三亲六眷
- 三原色系数 {物} trichromatic coefficient;
- 三态门 triple gate;
- 三探针法 {半} three-probe method
- 三星体 triaster;
- 三杂交种
- 三次不尽根 cubic surd; surd of third order;
- 三次谐波序列 triplen;
- 三氯氧钒 {无化} vanadium oxytrichloride;
- 三波
- 三白草
- 三相曲线 triple curve;
- 三线制 {电} three-wire system;
- 三维效应 three-dimensional effect;
- 三角套筒 cam sleeve;