三原色三原色[sān yuán sè]1.■three-primary colours
常用词组1.■三原色比色计 trichrometric colorimeter;2.■三原色单位 trichromatic unit;3.■三原色滤色片 trisimulus filter;4.■三原色系数 {物} trichromatic coefficient;5.■三原色性 trichroism;6.■三原色印花 trichromatic printing;7.■三原色印刷 process colour; three-colour process
- 一心
- 一泻千里
- 一见垂涎
- 一阶平稳 first-order stationary;
- 丁苯
- 万向节十字头 cross connecting piece; universal joint cross;
- 万能式拆卸器 universal puller;
- 万能调整器 universal compressor;
- 万能镗钻两用机床 universal boring and drilling machine;
- 万贯
- 三分贝隙缝电桥 three dB slot bridge
- 三原色滤色片 trisimulus filter;
- 三基色信号 tristimulus signals;
- 三心平圆拱 {建} three-centered arch;
- 三硫化四磷 {无化} phosphorous sesquisulfide; tetraphosphorus trisulfide;
- 三联脉 trigeminal pulse;
- 三角形脉冲 {电子} triangular pulse;
- 三通道单脉冲 three-channel monopulse;
- 上升转弯 {航空} pull-up turn;
- 上呼吸道感染 infection of the upper respiratory tract
- 上簇