一泻千里一泻千里[yī xiè qiān lǐ]1.■Water rushes down and covers hundreds of miles of land.; bold and flowing; flow down in a rushing torrent to a far distance; flow down vigorously; rush down a thousand li; The downpour results in mounting floodwaters which spill over in rampaging inundations.; The torrent rolls thunderously on for a thousand li.; write in a free, bold and flowing style
- X射线光电子能谱学 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy;
- 一次抽样方案 single sampling plan;
- 一片欢腾
- 一片至诚
- 一盒
- 一齐
- 万年雪
- 万贯家财
- 万顷碧波
- 三元及第
- 三十六行,行行出状元
- 三尖瓣
- 三棱镜摄谱仪 three-prism spectrograph
- 三氯乙醛合水 chloral hydrate;
- 三白草
- 三角形网络 {电} delta network;
- 三角测量定位法 triangulation location;
- 上交
- 上变频材料 up-conversion materials;
- 上涂料
- 上焦主纳 The upper-jiao is in charge of receiving