丁字带 T bandage;
- 一字尺
- 一往情深
- 一次固熔体 primary solid solution;
- 一片废墟
- 一筹莫展
- 一维概率分布 one-dimensional probability distribution;
- 万向节耳轴 universal-joint trunnion;
- 万机
- 三倍频率 treble frequency;
- 三级压力式汽轮机 three-pressure stage turbine;
- 三级记录系统 three-level recording system; three-level return system;
- 三线接法 three-wire connection;
- 三维效应 three-dimensional effect;
- 三色色标管 {讯} Lawrence tube; tricolour chromatron;
- 三裂片 trilobe;
- 三重接合 triple junctions;
- 上下文转换 context switch; context switching;
- 上举断距 upthrow
- 上交利税 profits or taxes delivered to the state
- 上旬
- 上议院