一筹莫展一筹莫展[yī chóu mò zhǎn]1.■be nonplussed over sth.; at a loss what to do; be at one's wits' end; be at the end of one's tether; be driven to one's wits' end; be up a gum-tree [tree]; can find no way out; cannot do a thing; can't suggest a move; find [stick] oneself in the mire; have no way out; not a single plan proposed
- 一兵多能
- 一封
- 一组搁板 a shelving;
- 一群水鸟 a plump;
- 一群走兽 a troop
- 一肚子
- 一阵风 a flatus; a tift;
- 丁头砌合
- 丁字形钢轨 Vignole's rail;
- 丁村人
- 丁香紫色 lilac
- 万向球绞螺杆 ball-jointed screw;
- 万向虎钳 {工} toolmaker's vise; universal vise;
- 万能铲床 universal slotting machine;
- 万里长空
- 三体道 {物} three-body channel;
- 三坐标雷达天线 antenna for 3-D radar;
- 三岁
- 三相半波整流电路 three-phase half wave rectifier circuit;
- 三糖
- 三脚架拔桩机 tripod puller; 调节器 tripod regulator