一言既出, 驷马难追
一言既出, 驷马难追一言既出, 驷马难追[yī yán jì chū sì mǎ nán zhuī]1.■A promise cannot be taken back once it is made.; A word once out of the mouth cannot be overtaken by swift horses.; A word once spoken cannot be overtaken even by a team of four horses.; A word spoken is past recalling.; One's promise has been given and repentance is now too late.; What is said cannot be unsaid.; When a word has once been spoken, a team of four horses cannot recall it.
- 一级气候站 {气} first-order climatological station;
- 一般雨量 {气} general rainfall;
- 一顺儿
- 七叶树亭 esculetin;
- 万人坑
- 万位存储器 myriabit storage; myriabit memory
- 三五成群
- 三氯化磷 phosphorus trichloride;
- 三相桥式整流器 three-phase bridge rectifier;
- 三联体
- 三脚桌
- 三角帆张帆索 jib-halyard;
- 三角网平差 adjustment of triangulation;
- 三重临界点 tricritical point;
- 三重比圆 triplicate ratio circle;
- 三面环山
- 上仰投弹 loft bombing
- 上底
- 上方宝剑
- 上气
- 上水