上气上气[shàng qì]1.■{中医} abnormal rising of qi; the upper qi
- 一年群体
- 一朝被蛇咬, 三年怕井绳
- 一组脉冲 a set of pulses;
- 一般产品 generic product; mine-run;
- 一般朋友 acquaintance;
- 丁字形汽管接头 steam pipe “T” connection;
- 万人坑
- 万能剪切机 multipurpose shearing machine;
- 三体问题 problem of three bodies; three-body problem;
- 三尖杉碱 cephalotaxine;
- 三年
- 三氯铁胆青盐 ferrobilin;
- 三点联[连]接 three-point attachment; three-point bond;
- 三硫化二锑 {无化} antimonous sulfide; antimony trisulfide;
- 三维显示阴极射线管 peritron;
- 三维结构 three-dimensional structure;
- 三色刺激值 {光} tristimulus values;
- 三角叶杨 alamo; yellow cottonwood; cottonwood;
- 三角屋架 collar roof;
- 三角形连接电动势 delta electromotive force;
- 三角形蜡孔 tricerores;