三能级激光器 three-level laser;
- 一人操作
- 一次成巷掘进 simultaneous driving and supporting;
- 一次显示 primary display;
- 一次线圈 primary winding (PW); primary coil;
- 一水合物
- 一瓢见底
- 一瞬即逝
- 一级相变 first order phase change; first-order transition;
- 一走了之
- 一马平川
- 万丈光芒
- 万能活塞压钳 universal piston vice and press;
- 三个煤量
- 三枪电子枪 three-electron gun;
- 三相感应电压调整器 three-phase induction regulator;
- 三硫化四磷 {无化} phosphorous sesquisulfide; tetraphosphorus trisulfide;
- 三维全息照相存储器 3-D holographic memory;
- 三能级激光材料 three-level laser material;
- 三角洲前缘 delta front;
- 三角铰子 kreplach; kreplech; creplich;
- 三路