三九天三九天[sān jiǔ tiān]1.■the third nine-day period after the winter solstice -- coldest days of winter
- 一式两份
- 一次电压 primary voltage;
- 一次闪蒸 full flashing;
- 一群水鸟 a plump;
- 一胎三儿 triplet;
- 一镑
- 丁财两旺
- 七重奏
- 万能剪冲床 universal shearing and punching machine;
- 万能定标器 multiscaler;
- 万能机床 universal machine;
- 三向三通弯接头 side outlet elbow [bend];
- 三坐标雷达天线 antenna for 3-D radar;
- 三层钢 compound steel;
- 三州
- 三氯羟乙基膦酸二甲酯 chlorak; danex; hypodermacid;
- 三相交流感应电动机 three-phase alternating-current induction motor;
- 三相感应调节器 three-phase induction regulator;
- 三硫
- 三线(式)电度表 three-wire meter;
- 三色点状荧光屏 trichromatic dot phosphor screen;