万夫不当万夫不当[wàn fū bù dāng]1.■be mightier than thousand; Any number of men cannot withstand him.; ... can overcome even ten thousand soldiers; have the strength that ten thousand men cannot withstand; Ten thousand men cannot prevail against him.
- 一手炮制
- 一组卡片 card deck;
- 万事起头难
- 三孔铁心
- 三尖瓣病 tricuspid disease;
- 三星体 triaster;
- 三氯化碘 {无化} iodine trichloride;
- 三相电流 three-phase current;
- 三维显示阴极射线管 peritron;
- 三色版
- 三角刮刀 cant scraper; threecornered scraper; triangular scraper;
- 三角级数 trigonometric series;
- 三趾鸥 kittiwake;
- 三重地 treply;
- 三重比圆 triplicate ratio circle;
- 上升推进 ascent propulsion;
- 上古史 ancient history
- 上和下睦
- 上扇
- 上担子
- 上电极