一日之计在于晨一日之计在于晨[yī rì zhī jì zài yú chén]1.■Morning hours is the best time of the day to work.; An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.; The whole day's work depends on a good start in the morning.
- 一加一地址
- 一时激动
- 万向节轴 cardan axis;
- 三九天
- 三刃钉
- 三度
- 三晶
- 三朝回门
- 三枪三束彩色显像管 three-beam colour picture tube;
- 三次对称轴 axis of trigonal symmetry;
- 三灾八难
- 三相全波恒压整流器 three-phase full wave constant voltage rectifier;
- 三相六线制 three-phase six-wire system;
- 三级风 force 3 wind; gently breeze;
- 三色照相机 tricolour camera;
- 三角形脉冲发生器 triangle generator;
- 三轴座架 three-axis mount
- 三进制计数器 ternary counter;
- 上升断块 lift faulting;
- 上变频材料 up-conversion materials;
- 上和下睦