

admission / ədˈmɪʃən ; ədˈmɪʃən /
1. [C] a statement in which you admit that something is true or that you have done something wrong
• 承认; 供认;
【SYN】 confession
 »admission that
 »The Senator's admission that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.
 »admission of guilt / defeat / failure etc
 »Silence is often interpreted as an admission of guilt.
 »Reese,byhisown admission, lacks the necessary experience.
2. [U] permission given to someone to enter a building or place, or to become a member of a school, club etc
• 允许进入(加入):
 »No admission after 10 pm.
  晚上 10 点以后免进。
 »The young men tried to enter a nightclub but wererefused admission.
 »Womengained admissionto the club only recently.
▪ [+to]
 »those applying for admission to university
3. admissions, [pl.] the process of allowing people to enter a university, institution etc, or the number of people who can enter
• 录取 ,录用; 录取人数,录用人数:
 »university / college / school admissions
 »admissions policy / procedures etc
 »The college has a very selective admissions policy.
 »theadmissions officer
4. [C,U] the process of taking someone into a hospital for treatment, tests, or care
• 入院治疗(检查),收治:
 »There are 13,000hospital admissionsannually due to playground accidents.
  每年有 1.3 万人因为游乐场上的意外而入医院治疗。
5. [U] the cost of entrance to a concert, sports event, cinema etc
• 入场费;
--› see admittance :
 »Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for children.
  门票: 成人 10 美元,儿童 5 美元。
 »The cost includesfree admissionto the casinos.
 »The Museum has noadmission charge.

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